So recently I got the privilege of reviewing Fotolia stock images, and I was pretty impressed! Not only was their interface easy to use but I got to choose from thousands of beautiful photos, images and videos- I really had fun searching through the images and increasing my collection.
Fotolia is the first worldwide social marketplace for royalty free stock images, allowing individuals and professionals to legally buy and share stock images and illustrations.
Fotolia offers the largest image bank of free and affordable royalty free photos and illustrations perfect for any medium, web or print.
Photographers and designers constantly update Fotolia with thousands of new photos and illustrations each day, while photographers and designers receive commission from each photo sold and revenue from advertising on the free section.
Credits are Fotolia's form of currency. Credits are used to buy images on the website. (Credit from $0.75)
Image prices are given in credits; the price depends on the size and use of the purchased image. Image prices are from:
Fotolia subscriptions allow you to download between 25 and 250 images a day during the period of your subscription.
Images downloaded using the subscription system are equal to the L size (4MP). The subscriptions are offered from:
Want a free two week subscription with fotolia- that allows you to download 3 images per day? Fotolia is giving away free subscriptions to ten of my fabulous readers!
Manditory entry:
Go to and let me know (in the comments) which image you would like to have your blog design- please provide a link to the image along with your email address. (I will make my next blog freebies based on those images- so please be creative in your selection!)
Extra entries:
- Like fotolia on facebook
- Follow fotolia on twitter
- Follow Simply Fabulous Blogger templates on GFC
- Like SFBT on facebook
- Follow SFBT on twitter and Tweet ”#Win a 2 week subscription with fotolia via @simplyfabblog Open to WW ” (1 RT per day)
The 10 lucky winners will be chosen randomly on July 1st- good luck everyone!!
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